Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment, no matter how troubling it may feel to observe.
You belong here, just the way you are.
Learn Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga in Perth
Mindfulness is the non-judgmental observation of the present moment. It can be practiced formally in meditation or mindful movement and experienced moment-to-moment (informally) in every day life. It is a feeling of the body and mind responding to the present moment, rather than reacting.
Learn to Meditate Courses and Workshops are offered live in Perth, Australia and in online around the world.
Brett Young combines over a decade of yoga, meditation, and other mindful practices with his lived experience of mental health challenges and corporate sector experience to provide an engaging and memorable experience.
Conference Speaker on Wellbeing
Experienced at engaging and influencing large audiences with challenging conceptual topics. Brett uses a science (evidence-based) approach to assure audiences the teachings are sound. He helps them to experience the practices he is communicating so the learning experience is audible, visual and kinesthetic. Find out more.
★★★★★ Google Review
“We had Brett present at a conference, leading a session on mindfulness and a guided meditation. He was very engaging and the audience loved his interactive style. I would highly recommend him!”
Meditate and Move at work
Brett teaches the audience how to meditate and / or apply other mindful practices (such as yoga) in single classes, interactive workshops or over the course of 8 weeks.
Another excellent way to engage Brett for your team is to allow him to host a full day or multi-day Team Mindfulness ‘Retreat’ for your team to embed some life-changing practices and perspectives into their lives. Find out more.
“When Brett starts interacting with you, you can tell that he lives what he is teaching, his calm yet energised presence is captivating.” Sarah M.
Mindfulness for ADHD
Can’t sit still? Don’t worry, you won’t have to! Find out more now, or read on :)
Brett has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and was diagnosed as a youngster. He has managed his symptoms with and without medication and is not an advocate in either direction independently. If your mind and body are challenging you, why not turn to the oldest form or creating union between these two, using methods proven as effective for ADHD by modern science.
Throughout his life he has used mindfulness to change the way his brain and body acknowledges and responds to the many many stimulations of each present moment.. and you can too.
Specialised in working with Adult ADHD, Brett has been trained in teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents and accepts minors as clients with their parents / carers included in the education process. Find out more here.
Learn to Meditate
Brett is qualified to teach mindfulness meditation in its many forms and techniques. Meditation is described as an experience and there are several techniques that can be applied for particular brain, body and emotional responses. The list of meditation techniques is long and it may be confusing to determine which one to start with and where to go from there. Let Brett help you learn the intention of each and even evaluate yourself from time to time to learn from what you observe.
Contact Brett to refine how you choose the right meditation for how you feel in that moment, or learn from scratch.
Yoga & Meditation Guide
Brett teaches occasional classes in Mount Hawthorn at the Community Center Lesser Hall to the community of his students, virtual options are available. He focuses these classes on attention and stress management and they are suitable for any experience level.
Certified for teaching yoga and meditation to adults, seniors, children and teens.
Delivering chair or bed based mindful movement classes for seniors in aged care facilities and residential villages. If you can breathe, you can enjoy the practice of mindfulness and experience the benefits.
School & School Teacher incursion programs (pre-primary to year 12).
School holiday Yoga days in Perth.
Brett teaches adult studio yoga classes at YogaHub in Mount Hawthorn, Western Australia.
Contact Brett to work together on an initiative.
"Brett has an awesome ability to make everyone at any level feel welcome" Leonie, Sentient Computing
"I didn't realise that the things I used to think of as 'distractions' are actually things I can use to help me stay focused during meditation" Perth CBD
"I like how you made movement and the freedom to change my position a part of the meditation, I didn't feel trapped in my restlessness" Mindfulness for ADHD
"I have never thought about my distractions in that positive way. I can see the value in learning from noticing them, rather than being frustrated by them." Mindfulness for ADHD
"You introduced me to very adoptable techniques to incorporate mindfulness into the day to day and really reframed my perspective around some of the aspects of mindfulness. I believe your sessions are effecting very positive change in the lives of those who get to experience them & am very excited about connecting you with my network in the future" Amber Foster, AgConnect
"The meditation exercise was the best we have had. Brett was spectacular, very professional. I hope it will be a recurrent exercise for the residents." Jennifer, Rosewood Aged Care
"Brett knows how to, and when to, light up a room with energy, calm it down or let it roll without interuption. His guidance and facilitation is leadership in action." Leadership Team Mindfulness Session & Facilitated Business Meeting
"Brett has an awesome ability to make everyone at any level feel welcome" Leonie, Sentient Computing • "I didn't realise that the things I used to think of as 'distractions' are actually things I can use to help me stay focused during meditation" Perth CBD • "I like how you made movement and the freedom to change my position a part of the meditation, I didn't feel trapped in my restlessness" Mindfulness for ADHD • "I have never thought about my distractions in that positive way. I can see the value in learning from noticing them, rather than being frustrated by them." Mindfulness for ADHD • "You introduced me to very adoptable techniques to incorporate mindfulness into the day to day and really reframed my perspective around some of the aspects of mindfulness. I believe your sessions are effecting very positive change in the lives of those who get to experience them & am very excited about connecting you with my network in the future" Amber Foster, AgConnect • "The meditation exercise was the best we have had. Brett was spectacular, very professional. I hope it will be a recurrent exercise for the residents." Jennifer, Rosewood Aged Care • "Brett knows how to, and when to, light up a room with energy, calm it down or let it roll without interuption. His guidance and facilitation is leadership in action." Leadership Team Mindfulness Session & Facilitated Business Meeting

“I can’t sit still, so mindfulness isn’t for me”
Sitting still is not the only way to be mindful… you can be mindful working up a sweat, eating your lunch, chatting to a friend, even jumping out of a plane. You will have something in your life that helps you to feel connected to the present moment.. find that thing, understand why you love it, then take that understanding to other aspects of your life.